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In September, back to the plants

- 09/03/2019

Holidays are over? It's time to get our skin and hair back in shape after the crazy life of summer: change of habits, excessive sun, chlorine from swimming pools or salt from the sea, eating disorders... Don't panic: we're here to rescue you.

The first step, recovering your scalp, the beginning of strong and healthy hair. That's why this week we start September with a Detox hair treatment that is very easy to prepare and apply, an ideal mask to remove all the accumulated impurities (because it removes dead cells), perfect to moisturise in depth, and a recipe that improves the capillary blood circulation.


Who is it recommended for?

For all hair types, but especially for light-coloured hair, as it will bring a lot of light and shine to your hair. If your hair has been lightened with synthetic dyes, you should first prepare it with first cold-pressed oil baths (apply for 2 hours on the hair and then wash it with your usual shampoo).


3 tablespoons of Ghassoul Clay. Its "sweeping" effect guarantees deep cleansing.

2 tablespoons of Grape Seed and Petit Grain Oil. Rich in vitamin E and highly antioxidant, it takes special care of blond hair that suffers from rapid oxidation.

5 drops of lemon juice. It will provide us with the ideal acidity for the hair to get much more light. 

How to prepare

Pour the contents of 3 tablespoons of Ghassoul into a ceramic or glass bowl. Slowly add a little warm water and stir until you have the consistency of hot chocolate.

Continue by adding 2 tablespoons of the hair oil and the 5 drops of lemon juice. 

Apply the mask from roots to ends, spreading it well until all the hair is covered and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with plenty of water and apply a mask to moisturise it. You can prepare this recipe once a month.


The detox treatment is here on time to repare your hair.

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