How to stop hair loss with plants
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How to stop hair loss with plants

- 10/20/2021

We are receiving many inquiries about hair loss. Above all, don't worry, because in many cases, there is a solution.

What causes our hair to fall out?

Stress, diet, genetics, hormonal problems, Covid-19, pollution, summer excesses... Sometimes the reasons help us to understand where the problem comes from, but what we need is to find solutions.

For starters, if you notice a lot of hair loss, you'll need to identify if your loss is temporary or not. Temporary or seasonal hair loss is a temporary hair renewal, it usually occurs between the months of June to November and lasts about 2 or 3 months. If the loss lasts longer and occurs outside the months of hair loss, then you should see a specialist.

What should we avoid if we have hair loss?

Use irons or dryers, because they dry out the hair and weaken it, making it more fragile and brittle. We should not dye ourselves with synthetic dyes because they oxidize and weaken the hair structure. Getting out of the sea water or swimming pools and not rinsing our hair. Chlorine and salt dry out and damage hair.

What should we do to combat hair loss?

Next we will talk about the natural treatments that you will find in Henna Morena to stop hair loss, but first, there are two basic ones that you should know:


If you already know us, you will know that hydration is essential to have healthy hair as it prevents breakage. The best way to hydrate it is to take baths of botanical hair oil once a week. It is a beauty ritual pleasant and very healthy for the health of your hair. Our recommended oil: Almond and Lavender Oil. This oil will repair the structure of the hair, provides intense hydration and can also stimulate hair growth.


It is advisable to wash your hair to have good oxygenation of the scalp, but you do not need to wash every day. If you wash it 1 or 2 times a week, the hair will maintain its hydration for longer. If you are following The Henna Morena Method, in Step 1 use the Juniper Shampoo Bar. It is ideal for fragile hair, balances and tones the scalp and strengthens the hair. If you are already in Step 3, or you are not following The Henna Morena Method, choose the Nettle and Thyme Shampoo. This formula strengthens and prevents hair loss thanks to its ability to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. It is ideal for brittle and fragile hair.

Is there any natural treatment to prevent hair loss?

Yes, they exist. The first is the F12 Hair Loss Lotion with Ivy and White Nettle, and it is the key product in your anti-loss routine. This lotion helps prevent hair loss, giving it more strength, volume and density and stimulates its growth. Strengthens and nourishes the hair in depth from the roots to the ends. Stimulates collagen production and scalp blood circulation for healthier, stronger and healthier hair.

Apply it daily on the roots and massage the scalp to favor the absorption of the product.

The second treatment is called Cassia Obovata. Also known as neutral Henna, Cassia Obovata is a plant that stops hair loss, strengthens hair and provides shine and softness, without dyeing. It has a very similar structure to keratin, a protein that is part of nails, hair and skin, and restores health to damaged hair.

Another plant that strengthens hair preventing its loss is Lawsonia Inermis, popularly called Henna. This plant, in addition to providing minerals and vitamins to the hair, dyes it coppery. The Henna with infusion of Thyme and Nettle is specially recommended to prevent hair loss.

How often should Cassia Obovata or Henna be applied?

Our recommendation is once a month or every fortnight. But as in everything, the barometer must be yourself. When you start taking care of your hair with plants, it is your own hair that asks you when it is time to do an application again.

Hair is part of the body's health, we have to take care of it to maintain our well-being. If you want to know more products to prevent hair loss and care for your hair with plants, we recommend that you take a look at our section Hair loss.

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